Seafood definition. Seafood - benefits and harms

Most people combine all edible inhabitants of the world's oceans into one category - “seafood”. The list, however, should not include fish and meat of marine mammals (seals, whales, walruses and other animals). Science identifies these vertebrate inhabitants of the seas and oceans as a separate group. But many fisheries producers and farm suppliers, as well as fisheries workers, often call their products seafood due to their common area of ​​origin.

Popular types of seafood

The most common categories of various inhabitants of the deep sea that are suitable for food are the following: which include oysters, mussels and scallops; cephalopods (octopuses, cuttlefish and squid); crustaceans (shrimp and crabs, lobsters or lobsters, krill, lobsters and crayfish); echinoderms - sea cucumbers, sea ​​urchins, cucumaria and sea cucumbers; seaweed (kelp and fucus vesiculosa, spirulina, sea lettuce or ulva, porphyra and lithothamnia). Such an exotic, exciting world for every European as Japanese cooking uses seafood, the list of names of which contains the original names given in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Seaweed - nori, kombu, hijiki, wakame, kanten and umi budo - can be found in sushi and rolls prepared in Asian restaurants all over the planet.

Advantages of products obtained from the sea

The average caloric content of most seafood is 80-85 kcal per 100 g of healthy food. The type and chemical composition of the inhabitants of the deep sea are directly related to their energy value. For example, shrimp meat is rich in minerals beneficial to human health: calcium and magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus and iron.

Carcasses of squid or octopus are mega-sources of vitamins B and C. At the same time, 100 g of mussel meat contains only 3 g of fat, and carcasses of squid and shrimp contain even less of this nutrient, which has a positive effect on the calorie content of the diet for those losing weight, which is based on Fish and seafood. The list of their beneficial properties also includes the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. These substances improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduce cholesterol levels, and stabilize hormonal levels. In addition, seafood products normalize digestion, stimulate metabolic processes in the body, and reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of cancer.

Other beneficial properties of seafood

Having found out what constitutes seafood, the list of which includes a huge number of different living organisms edible for humans, and also having understood the whole world of animals, plants and algae, it is easy to determine how to replenish your diet with tasty and extremely beneficial delicacies. Shrimp meat is an ideal product for people who want to lose weight. High protein content, absence of sugars and fats - these qualities of crustacean representatives help a person to feast on them and at the same time lose weight. In addition, this type of seafood contains the highest concentration of vitamin B12, which activates hemoglobin synthesis, which perfectly strengthens the nervous system. Sea snails are leaders in the content of vitamin B6 and magnesium, elements that help prevent depression.

Mussels are record holders for the presence of vitamin E, a feminine remedy that maintains the beauty of skin, hair and nails. This powerful antioxidant regulates reproductive function and has anti-aging properties. In addition to natural protein, seafood is a major supplier of iodine and iron to our body, which improve brain function. People who regularly consume seafood are less likely to experience stress and resist depression. Nutritionists recommend including two to three meals a week containing seafood in your diet for proper nutrition. A list of dietary, low-calorie seafood allows a person to diversify the menu and at the same time feel full without gaining weight.

Food products from the “blue fields”: processing

Today, seafood is used not only in cooking: the chemical, textile, cosmetic and medical industries use them for the production of medicinal and anti-aging (anti-aging) cosmetics, hair lotions, iodine-containing food seasonings, for the preparation of ice cream and edible ice, thickeners for toothpaste, for the production of pulp and paper, for the production of rubber, varnishes and textiles. Algae serve as a source of salt, which is used to preserve fish, and they also produce a film that protects fresh and tasty seafood from rancidity and drying out.

Scientists were able to obtain hemostatic drugs from algae, and mineral wool from the thallus has much better properties than cellulose, since absorbable dressings based on it promote healing of wound edges without causing complications.

Edible inhabitants of the northern seas

Thanks to the harsh climatic conditions, representatives of the water element of the North develop very slowly and reach enormous sizes. The fauna of the Arctic Ocean is a supplier of the largest mussels, reaching from 10 to 20 centimeters in length, shrimp up to 30 cm in size, giant squid, the growth of which can reach 5 meters! The longevity of living organisms in cold Arctic waters distinguishes northern seafood from their southern counterparts. For example, mussels of the Barents Sea can survive for about 25 years (in the Black Sea, these mollusks live only about 6 years). In addition, fish - haddock, cod, cod and capelin, as well as shrimp - are caught in the Barents Sea.

In the total catch, the share of catfish and pollock and ruff flounder is quite large. The herring of the same name, Pechora and White Sea navaga are caught here. In the sixties of the last century, breeding began in the Barents Sea, and since 2002, commercial fishing has been organized. Processed fish, crabs and shrimp are frozen at sea, on the ships of the Variant company, the exclusive distributor of which is the Northern Seafood enterprise. After purchasing seafood delicacies - shrimp or crabs - you need to defrost them a little in cold water or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and boil them. Cooked crab meat is used as an appetizer or a separate dish, shrimp is boiled or fried, served with sauces, stuffed with vegetables or eggs, added to various salads, prepared sandwiches with them, and added to soups.

Food of long-livers in Asia and the Mediterranean countries

The balanced composition of seafood, their lightness and low calorie content have become the reason why residents of coastal areas prefer seafood. The list of products of the Japanese and Chinese, Greeks and Italians, French and Spanish consists of seafood ingredients for soups and salads, main courses and appetizers. Algae, which contain a lot useful vitamins, minerals and amino acids (in addition, they are gentle on the digestive tract); crustaceans (shrimp, lobsters, lobsters), crabs and small crustaceans - krill, rich in dietary meat); mollusks - cephalopods (octopus, cuttlefish and squid), bivalves, oysters, mussels and scallops, and gastropods, rapana - form the basis of the diet of most of the world's centenarians.

In China, crabs, shrimp and scallops are highly valued as means of strengthening the vitality of the body. Residents of most countries in Asia and the Mediterranean consider mollusks, cephalopods and crustaceans caught in the blue expanses of water to be the most exquisite delicacies. In France, gourmets often order sea snails, oysters and mussels, in addition to the usual shrimp, crab and lobster.

How to choose the right seafood: pros and cons

A significant advantage of many seafood is associated with their quick preparation, which is important for cooks and ordinary housewives. Of the minuses, we can name only one - seafood rarely comes to us fresh, as it quickly spoils. But after that, their nutritional value does not deteriorate at all, so an even thin layer of ice glaze on seafood indicates their good quality. They can only be sold alive in coastal areas or near farms where they are grown under artificial conditions.

Seafood can be raw or boiled and then frozen, the list of which consists of squid, sea cucumbers, scallop fillet, kelp and other seafood. You can find shrimp or sea cucumbers in dried form in stores. From canned products obtained from the sea, food industry produces crabs, squid, shrimp, scallop fillets, seaweed and other species. Salted and smoked seafood is often served as an appetizer with beer.

When size matters

When choosing giant king prawns, popular among buyers who don't want to waste precious time deshelling smaller ones, special care must be taken. Many experts say that these artificially increased dimensions of shrimp are associated with the use of growth stimulants and other harmful additives. Although for the accumulation of these dangerous substances in the human body, it is necessary to consume king prawns often and for quite a long time.

Please note

To determine the freshness of shellfish, you need to knock on their shell. Living specimens of the valve will immediately slam shut, and their contents should be transparent, colorless with a pleasant marine smell. Dirty gray meat and open valves are a sign that the shellfish is unfit for consumption. Fresh seafood, of which the list of crustaceans occupies a significant part, is distinguished by a hard shell and dense meat with a slight healthy shine. Dry and dull protein contents of crab, lobster or shrimp indicate that the product is not fresh.

Sea kale in cooking and cosmetology

The popular seaweed can be found on supermarket shelves in fresh and dried, canned and pickled, as well as salted form. Laminaria is one of the most important sources of iodine, which is ideally absorbed by our body. Sea kale salad is an excellent means of preventing diseases of the thyroid gland and, in general, the entire endocrine system. In addition, the abundance of dietary fiber in kelp and low calorie content make it an indispensable product in the process of weight loss. In cosmetology, seaweed is used as a moisturizing, skin tightening, fat burning and vitaminizing component of most home and professional products.

The owner of the seas, Neptune, with his characteristic generosity, opens the doors of his underwater storerooms to us. And we gratefully accept his priceless gifts.

Shrimp, squid, lobsters, oysters, lobsters, lobsters... All this variety of mollusks and crustaceans native to the mysterious depths of the sea suggests a certain awareness and subtlety in the matter of eating them.

The main thing is to skillfully extract the precious and very healthy tender meat, cook it correctly, serve it and eat it with “feeling, sense, and arrangement.”

Useful properties of seafood

Of course, seafood is not a cheap pleasure. But their dietary and highly digestible meat is worth it.

Firstly, there is no danger here, as in the case of “Bush's legs,” of eating antibiotics and hormones, because the freedom-loving marine inhabitants “graze” in the open ocean spaces.

Secondly, these floating delicacies cannot be second freshness, with the possible exception of shrimp: when re-frozen, they inevitably boil over and turn into mush.

Thirdly, they contain a protein unique in its structure and a lot of iodine, which is very “to the taste” of our brains, blood vessels, etc. But this does not mean that they can be eaten without moderation.

Crustacean seafood

Many of us are already familiar with shrimp is a storehouse of zinc, protein amino acids, iodine, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. They are served boiled with beer, fried in oil and batter. Particularly popular krill- Antarctic shrimp. Its juicy, sweetish meat comes to us both frozen and in the form of natural canned food.

Lobsters- These are essentially large shrimp that grow up to 60 cm. To extract their tasty meat from the shell, you will have to use special devices.

Lobster- simply a sea crayfish, lives in the warm seas of Europe and America, therefore in our latitudes it is considered exotic.

Lobster- he's a ten-legged lobster. Its white meat can easily be classified as a gastronomic luxury. But without a special sweet and sour sauce, it’s just cancer. Ace culinary specialists recommend not throwing away the green liver lying... in the head when cutting. It is considered a delicacy and is used in the preparation of the same sauce.

shellfish seafood

There is no need to particularly introduce seashells to our gourmets - mussels. But probably not everyone knows that shellfish caught in the cold season are especially valued. Mussels are 80% water. The rest is protein, fat, carbohydrates. They contain a lot of vitamins: A, D, C and group B. Soups and pilaf are prepared from mussels, they are added to all kinds of salads and eaten just like that.

Scallop is a bivalve mollusk, nestled in a shell with a diameter of up to 20 cm. It tastes and smells like crab meat.

Oysters- the same shells, unprepossessing in appearance, but distinguished by a very original taste (this is probably why sophisticated French people are so “fans” of them). Don’t forget about their usefulness: they contain vitamins A, D, C, group B, a lot of microelements and mineral salts. Oysters are eaten raw: sprinkled with lemon juice and drunk.


In fact, we are more interested not in the giant reptile, which, they say, can even fight a sperm whale, but in the well-known squid, which the smaller in size (up to 5 cm), the tastier. Simply dip it in boiling water for a few minutes, remove tentacles and film, lightly beat it, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in butter.

In addition, avid cooks manage to prepare almost any dish from squid: cabbage soup, okroshka, roast, zrazy, cutlets, meatballs, and casserole. Tender meat “mantles” are stuffed with rice, onions, eggs, cabbage, fish and even pork.

Or, on the contrary, they are used to make a filling for eggplants, bell peppers and zucchini. Mediterranean cooks even use the contents of squid ink sacs to prepare special sauces.

Very reminiscent of squid in taste octopuses. But their meat will be tougher. They are eaten boiled, dried, fried, and added to salads and soups. But here it is exotic, and in the Far Eastern countries fried octopuses are sold on the streets like hot dogs.

Separately, we can highlight sea ​​cucumbers, or sea cucumbers, look like a sponge. In China and Japan they are eaten in almost any form: fresh, salted and dried. Here you can most often find them canned with seaweed.

How to eat seafood correctly

Of course, it’s great if, while enjoying the breeze of the evening breeze somewhere in a seaside restaurant, you entrust the fight with the shell of sea crustaceans to an experienced waiter. But some do not want to deprive themselves of the pleasure of this most exciting manipulation. Especially if they understand all the intricacies and are not afraid of getting into trouble.

Oysters are served to the table already opened - tender, appetizing meat is already waiting for you on the flap of the shell. All that remains is to pour the sauce over it. Oysters, lobsters and clams are served with special forks with tendrils, which are especially convenient for removing the delicacy from its home.

Lobsters, lobsters and spiny lobsters are also served with special tweezers with serrated edges, which help to open the shell, and flat knives, which facilitate the process of separating the tender white meat. They begin to cut the shell in the direction from the tail to the head, after which it is easily removed.

Don't forget about the lobster claws - they contain especially tasty meat. To get to it, you will also have to work hard: first cut them in the center, and then along towards the edge. A long fork with two tines that look like thin tendrils will also come in handy here, which will help you not lose a single drop of the valuable delicacy.

By the way, seafood will not be offended by you if you eat it straight. The only place where “hand-to-hand combat” is inappropriate is at an official reception.

What is seafood served with?

Seafood really feels much more comfortable on the table, almost in splendid isolation. They are usually served with white wine, chilled citrus juices, and light beer with crustaceans. Oysters go well with champagne. But none of the inhabitants of the abyss “welcomes” strong drinks, especially vodka.

Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and potatoes are suitable as a side dish. Lobsters show their full merits in the company of avocado, squid and shrimp - with olive oil, mussels and lobsters - in puff pastry with spinach and garlic sauce. Almost all seafood can be served with grated Parmesan cheese.

But here you can get creative with sauces. They can be oriental, soy, cream or white wine. Fans of spicy foods add vinegar, cloves, ginger, saffron and asparagus to them. But in most classic recipes, all these flavors and “spiciness” are considered out of place.

Dear blog readers, what seafood do you prefer, please share your reviews or comments below. This will be very useful for someone!

IN Ancient Greece Seafood was considered necessary products on the table. Their advantage is their rich composition and low calorie content. Seafood is quickly digested and provides the body with all the necessary substances. The Japanese are confident that seafood prolongs life and improves health.

Seafood is rich in protein, but is considered a dietary food. They have high nutritional value, are rich in amino acids, remove “bad” cholesterol and ensure normal functioning of the body. What kinds of seafood are there and why are they healthy?

Squid meat has an interesting feature: the longer it is cooked, the tougher and more tasteless it will be. But true chefs can fully enjoy its taste!

Squids are rich in amino acids and contain extractives that stimulate the production of digestive juices. In addition, it is a valuable source of vitamins B6, PP, microelements and protein. It contains polyunsaturated fats that are good for health.


Squid meat may contain mercury, so they need to be cooked properly. The frozen product must be placed in cold water- it will “absorb” harmful substances. To cook, squids should be immersed in boiling water for 2-5 minutes and not removed from the pan until they have cooled.

The calorie content of raw squid is 92 kcal per 100 grams. It is much higher in calories when dried and smoked, so you should not abuse this product. Meat contains potassium, which is good for the heart and muscles. Sodium removes excess fluid, normalizes arterial pressure. Squid does not contain cholesterol.

Food tip:

Before buying seafood, rate it appearance. The carcass should be dense and have a pleasant pinkish color. If the meat has acquired a purple or yellow tint, it means that the squid has been defrosted several times. You should not buy it - during cooking the meat will spread and a bitter aftertaste will appear.


Seaweed is a valuable product containing many microelements, vitamins and other useful substances. This is a good prevention for many known diseases. They fully saturate the body, and the content of elements is similar to the composition of human blood.

On a note!

In China, seaweed was used to treat cancer. And in the Far North it was considered the only source of useful elements.

Algae should be consumed with caution by people who are allergic to seafood or iodine. The product is contraindicated if kidney disease is diagnosed. Pregnant women can use kelp only after consulting a doctor.

Food tip:

Laminaria is considered a low-calorie product - only 25 kcal per 100 grams. But dried seaweed should be consumed carefully, as it contains a lot of carbohydrates.

Scientists from America and Italy joined forces and conducted a series of studies that showed that regular consumption of oysters prevents the development of breast cancer and also stimulates sexual function.

The unusual chemical composition determines their unique taste. The product contains protein, fat, minerals, trace elements, nicotinic acid, vitamins. To get the daily requirement of copper and iron, it is enough to eat 6 oysters.

This is interesting!

You can eat an oyster if its body trembles after opening the shell. This indicates that she is alive. Before use, you can sprinkle with lemon juice.


This seafood is rich in protein, which is quickly absorbed by the body. Shrimp contains a large number of iodine, fatty acids, trace elements, B vitamins. Regular consumption normalizes hemoglobulin production and stabilizes the nervous system.


Before purchasing shrimp, inspect them carefully. If the head is dark, it means the shrimp is of low quality and should not be eaten. White stripes on the body indicate that the shrimp is frozen. Dry shell? This means that the product has been lying around for a long time.

Shrimp is a dietary product, so it can be eaten by people who care about their health. 100 grams of product - 97 kcal. Seafood contains virtually no fat, quickly satisfies hunger and does not spoil your figure.

Roskontrol experts tested shrimp from various brands. The share of ice glaze should not exceed 7% - the norm was established by SanPiN.

The Polar Premium product meets this criterion. But the “Laguna” shrimp were blacklisted because the norm was exceeded 6 times!

Octopus is a favorite treat in many countries. In Spain they prepare rings baked in batter. In Barcelona they love stuffed octopus, on the island of Ischia they are added to soup, and in Japan they are deep-fried.

Octopus meat is rich in vitamins, microelements, and omega-3 fatty acids. It contains protein and up to 10% fat. Octopuses are considered record holders for copper content.


Studies have shown that eating scallops removes “bad” cholesterol and has a tonic effect, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, and improves metabolic processes.

Scallop meat is highly prized. The composition contains vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and protein, which is well absorbed. Meat is classified as a dietary product because it contains virtually no carbohydrates.

On a note!

Sea scallops are a source of calcium. The product is non-toxic, so it can be given to children. The calorie content of seafood is only 88 kcal per 100 grams.

Mussels are loved for their subtle, characteristic taste - they are excellent as an appetizer and can add variety to any dish. They are also a natural antioxidant, which means they prolong youth and tone the body.

This seafood has high nutritional value. Mussels contain potassium, iodine, calcium, cobalt, bromine and vitamins. Selenium, which is also contained in the product, helps the body fight cancer.

Mussels normalize metabolic processes and increase immunity, therefore they are recommended for people diagnosed with blood diseases.


This is a real delicacy! Scientists have proven that cuttlefish meat is necessary for the functioning of the brain, heart, and blood vessels. The zinc included in the composition normalizes fat metabolism and accelerates hair growth.

The calorie content of cuttlefish is 79 kcal per 100 grams, but the nutritional value is very high. Regular consumption normalizes metabolic processes and removes “bad” cholesterol.

The composition contains amino acids, vitamins, microelements, fatty acids. Meat acts like natural antibiotic, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Food tip:

It is better to cook cuttlefish immediately after purchase. If the need arises, you can store it in the freezer, pre-wrapping it in polyethylene.

Crab meat goes well with cheeses, cucumbers, canned corn, and rice. Therefore, it is often used as the main ingredient for preparing salads. It is valued not only for taste qualities, but also for its rich composition. It contains biologically active substances, vitamins, microelements, protein, lipids, amino acids.


In France they make lobster donuts. In Japan, they are used as ingredients for sushi and dumplings, and grilled lobsters with spices are prepared.

This is one of the healthiest seafood, which is rich in protein, microelements, vitamins B and A, and has virtually no fat.

Food tip:

Be careful when choosing lobsters. In their purified form, they are stored for no more than two days.

Scientists have long proven the indisputable benefits of seafood. Seafood is a valuable storehouse of nutrients. In addition, they have very tasty and tender meat, which many will enjoy. The uniqueness of seafood lies in the fact that the protein in their composition is easily absorbed by the human body, which cannot be said about meat and vegetable proteins. Seafood protein contains relatively few calories and is of high nutritional value. In addition to the above, we can add that marine inhabitants live in an environment replete with minerals, which, when ingested in food, form organic compounds - the ideal form for obtaining maximum benefits.

Modern people often lack minerals in their bodies. This problem is worth taking seriously because it will become increasingly difficult to fix over time. Due to environmental problems, abuse of nitrates, and depleted soil, fruits and vegetables have fewer nutrients than the human body requires for normal functioning. J. Wallack wrote about this beautifully in his bestseller “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie.”

Seafood is useful because it replenishes the loss of minerals in our body, which are not enough in ordinary food. Seafood in most cases is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and copper. We have compiled a list of the healthiest seafood, now we will look at it in detail.

Rating of the healthiest seafood

      • 1. Scallops. They are of great benefit to the human body. Their meat has a slightly sweet, but very pleasant taste. Sea scallops are used for cooking delicious dishes in different cuisines of the world. The meat of these delicacies contains protein, which the body absorbs well. They are champions in the possession of B vitamins. They also contain a lot of calcium, which the body absorbs without problems, which cannot be said about many calcified vitamin supplements. Asians eat scallops daily and add them to many dishes. The substances contained in scallops remove toxins from the body, improve the functioning of the stomach and help cleanse the blood.

      • 2. Mussels. This delicacy has a truly unique taste that cannot be confused with anything else. A large number of mussel shells proves that our ancient ancestors ate them. Mussels are rich in protein and minerals. Mussels are especially beneficial for women because they help slow down the aging process of the skin. Vitamin E, which is contained in mussels in sufficient quantities, copes with this task. By eating a few mussels every day, you will protect yourself from problems with the stomach, immunity, and also maintain a beautiful, fresh complexion. Scientists believe that mussels help in the fight against cancer. The disadvantage of mussels is their ability to accumulate toxins and harmful substances. Therefore, you need to purchase them only in a trusted place that has reliably proven itself.

      • 3. Shrimp. Shrimp meat is considered dietary. It perfectly satisfies hunger thanks to the proteins in its composition. Thanks to shrimp meat, you can quickly increase the level of hemoglobin in human blood. They are also very useful for maintaining the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Shrimp are a real storehouse of beauty vitamins. Thanks to useful substances (potassium, zinc, iodine, etc.) your appearance will become better. After all, shrimp reduce hair loss, improve skin condition and strengthen the nail plate. If you choose between a variety of seafood, then shrimp meat is best suited for baby food, as it does not cause allergic reactions in the body. Shrimp is known for its ability to kill cancer cells in the body. They improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

      • 4. Squid. Squid dishes have been prepared since antiquity. They were highly valued in Italy; in the capital they received the nickname “fish with wings.” This nickname was given to squids for a reason. The fact is that they can jump out of a reservoir and cover a distance of several tens of meters. Squids are great for the stomach. In addition to its unique taste and the content of a large number of useful substances, squids are also known medicinal properties. Their meat is famous for its high protein content and a unique system of fatty acids. Squids are rich in antioxidants. They have the ability to remove harmful substances and heavy metal salts from the body. Squid contains large quantities of arginine (unique amino acids), so it is advisable to include this product in the menu for children.

      • 5. Crabs. Crab meat is a valuable delicacy that is loved by gourmets all over the world. They are very easy to prepare, and the crab meat is healthy and incredibly tasty. Recommended for dietary nutrition, because it does not have a high percentage of fat content in the composition. Strengthens human blood vessels and the muscular system. The delicacy is famous for its cleansing properties; it removes harmful substances from the blood. Including crabs in your diet daily will help you get rid of many health problems. It will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, keep facial skin in excellent condition, and improve vision. This delicacy effectively improves male potency, so men should definitely treat themselves to this tasty and healthy delicacy more often.

Useful and harmful properties of seafood

Use seafood brings benefit, but can cause harm. If you have noticed problems with blood clotting, then doctors do not recommend including mussels in your diet. If there is excess calcium in the body, then harm may occur from eating scallops. But this does not happen very often in the body.

Some seafood contributes to allergies, which are accompanied by skin rashes and unpleasant itching. Less common are more serious symptoms of illness, such as loss of consciousness, swelling of the throat and high blood pressure.

Seafood has a short shelf life and quickly disappears, especially under inappropriate storage conditions.

Seafood tends to accumulate harmful substances for the human body. But perhaps the most terrible danger is microbes that can cause severe poisoning. But still, these “pitfalls” cannot overshadow the benefits of seafood in human nutrition.

Fish seafood

Thousands of species of fish live in the vast expanses of the sea. There are generally small ones (just a few millimeters), and sometimes there are real giants (20 meters long).

Sea fish is very tasty and can be prepared easily and quickly.

Let's find out which benefit bring fish seafood:

      • Cod. There are practically no bones in this fish. It is rich in valuable protein, a real storehouse of protein. It contains a lot of healthy fish oil. The liver and caviar of this fish can also rightfully be called valuable delicacies.

      • Hake. This fish is also one of the representatives of the cod genus. It is often used to create menus for children and diabetics. This fish has no small bones, and the meat is easy to fillet. Hake helps cope with thyroid diseases. It has a lot of protein. There are dozens of varieties of hake. The most popular of them are blue and milky. There are practically no contraindications for eating this fish. Hake is a wonderful natural antioxidant.

      • Pollock. Fish meat has many positive qualities for the health of the human body. It has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and helps the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It is advisable to consume pollock regularly, but not in excess, because you can get an allergic reaction. Pollock is rich in cobalt. It is this element that improves blood composition and helps absorb iron. Eat pollock more often to prevent anemia. Pollock contains sufficient amounts of calcium and fluoride compounds. Pollock liver is also eaten and is very useful.

      • Herring. A frequently consumed fish that is very tasty and healthy. Herring contains healthy proteins, as well as fats and acids. Herring fats are very easily and easily absorbed by the human body. This fish can be eaten salted, fried and boiled. This fish is especially useful for consumption by expectant mothers. It improves performance digestive system and helps prevent heart disease. It is not advisable to consume this fish in salted form for those who suffer from kidney and bladder diseases.

      • Saira. This tasty fish contains a range of beneficial minerals and fats. It is effective in the fight against anemia, as it contains a lot of iron. Helps prevent diseases
        thyroid gland because it has enough iodine in chemical composition. But this fat is most beneficial for the human body. delicious fish. Saury contains a unique amino acid – taurine. It improves the composition of human blood and helps in digestion processes. Eating fish even serves as a preventive measure against caries and oral diseases. Saury fat is widely used in cosmetology. It is present in many skin care products. Daily consumption of saury prevents arthritis and atherosclerosis. Despite the fact that saury contains a lot of healthy fats, it is recommended to include it in the diet of diabetics and people who want to lose weight. Fish is included in many diets to maintain figure.

Seafood They are a valuable source of nutrients that the human body needs so much. This category includes all marine life without exception, the meat and other parts of which are edible, as well as algae. It is noteworthy that according to the global classification, the concept of “seafood” does not include the meat of marine vertebrates and fish (seals, whales and sharks), but suppliers and manufacturers of seafood delicacies do not share this. Below are lists of species by name.

All seafood is divided into groups, among which classes are distinguished:

  • bivalve;
  • needle-shaped;
  • cephalopods;
  • crustaceans.

According to the rules, the product list of seafood includes such gifts of the deep sea as:

  • squid;
  • crabs;
  • shrimps;
  • krill;
  • Cucumaria;
  • lobsters;
  • lobsters;
  • mussels;
  • scallops;
  • sea ​​urchins;
  • cuttlefish;
  • lobsters;
  • octopuses;
  • sea ​​cucumbers;
  • oysters
  • nori;
  • kelp (“sea kale”);
  • spirulina;
  • sea ​​salad;
  • kombu.

In addition to the names familiar to our ears, in Asian countries, in particular Japan or South Korea, are used as food by many other inhabitants of the oceans and seas and countless plants whose life passes under the water column. Seafood occupy a niche in many national cuisines of the world, in particular the Mediterranean and other countries whose territory has access to the sea.

Seafood has become so firmly established in the lives of people in different parts of the world that many people consider organizing a service that delivers delicacies and ready meals of them.

Composition and energy value

Seafood contains a large amount of minerals. All of them are in an easily accessible form, since both the proteins of living organisms and the carbohydrates of algae are characterized by excellent digestibility. In addition to all this, seafood of animal origin also contains fat. All seafood is rich in B vitamins, as well as fat-soluble A, D and K.

All seafood contains in varying quantities:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • sulfur;
  • chromium;
  • cobalt.

The energy value of products also varies, but in general the calorie content of seafood products ranges from eighty to one hundred kilocalories per hundred grams of raw product. Heat treatment and adding ingredients to dishes increase this indicator and affect the BJU index.

The benefits of seafood

The benefits that seafood brings to the human body are great. Microcomponents and vitamins that are in a balanced state allow seafood lovers to:

  • improve and maintain the performance of the cardiovascular system at the proper level;
  • increase resistance to infectious diseases;
  • improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • strengthen bones and resist tooth decay;
  • improve vision and restore eye functionality;
  • reduce cholesterol levels and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • stabilize the functioning of the endocrine glands and balance hormonal levels, and with it metabolic processes in the body;
  • normalize digestion.

Eating algae allows you to heal wounds and skin diseases, manifested by dermatitis and eczema, as well as seborrhea. The effectiveness of seafood in the fight against excess weight has also been proven. Regular consumption of seafood can also reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of cancer. Delicious products of natural origin are recommended in the fight against depression and are indicated for those whose lives are associated with stress in the domestic and professional sphere.

Seafood is beneficial for children and adults, especially those who live in environmentally unsafe regions and metropolitan cities, where emissions are environment exceed the maximum permissible standards.

In addition to eating, seafood is used in cosmetology and alternative medicine. And there they bring great benefits.

For pregnant and lactating women, any seafood will be of great benefit and will help maintain women's health while carrying a child and also quickly restore functions after the birth of a child. But you need to eat delicacies in moderation and only of high quality.

How to select and store?

Due to the fact that most seafood is a delicacy for residents of the mainland and rarely hits the shelves fresh, seafood needs to be able to choose. Most seafood products cannot be considered cheap. That is why consumers are less willing to purchase products that not only cannot bring benefits and pleasure from use, but can also be harmful to health.

Animal products

First of all, I want to talk about marine life. And when purchasing, you should pay attention to such indicators as:

  1. Appearance. A thin crust of ice without growths or cloudy areas indicates that the gifts of the seas and oceans were not re-frozen. Spots and depressions on naturally soft seafood are considered a deviation from the norm. There should be no chips, cracks or other inconsistencies on oysters and other shellfish with valves and crab shells.
  2. Smell. Well-preserved seafood should not have a strong smell of fat or other impurities in the aroma. Food starts to smell only after defrosting. And at the same time, there should also be no unpleasant spirit felt.
  3. Color. Properly frozen and preserved seafood has the same color as a fresh product. Yellow stripes are only allowed in mussels, as this is the color of the meat secretion. Dirty brown, matte or gray seafood should discourage purchase.
  4. Tactile indicators. Quality products should not be covered in mucus or have excessively dry skin. The oyster shells should be grooved, and the edges should be sharp and tightly closed.
  5. Production date and shelf life. This information must be indicated on the packaging label or accompanying documents to the product. These quality characteristics should also be a decisive factor when purchasing gourmet products.
  6. Certification. Recently, farms for growing rapana, mussels and shrimp have become widespread, using growth activators and special feed with antibiotics and hormones that prevent pestilence and increase the size of living creatures. In view of this, it is imperative to obtain guarantees of the safety of the product being sold. Certificates are that very guarantee. But in general, you should avoid purchasing such products.

Be sure to inspect vacuum-packed foods. The pack should not have any punctures or other areas of depressurization. Tin cans with canned food should not have dents or smudges. It is advisable to purchase those blanks on which the information is printed on tin, and not on a paper label. Products in glass jars should look appetizing, and the lid should open with a click.

The commercial form of seafood can be divided into products that reach the shelves exclusively:

  • whole (shrimp, lobster, lobster, cuttlefish);
  • portioned pieces (squid, octopus and kelp, for example).

You can often buy so-called seafood cocktails, consisting of several types of seafood and an assortment of seafood.

If the seafood is fresh and not marinated, then it will not sour. Seafood that tastes bitter is unsuitable for consumption, as this indicates that the food was stored incorrectly or has expired.

Seafood of animal origin may be sold in:

  • fresh,
  • frozen,
  • boiled,
  • smoked,
  • dried and dried.

Sea products should be used in food in accordance with the method of preparation. If you re-boil already boiled shrimp or squid, for example, the delicacy will not only lose all its beneficial substances, but will also become “rubbery”.


Almost all algae can be eaten by humans. Products of plant origin reach the shelves in:

  • fresh,
  • pickled,
  • salty,
  • dried,
  • canned.

Absolutely all raw, dried or edible sea and ocean plants must also have accompanying documentation, as well as meet the simplest requirements regarding the organoleptic qualities of the products.

Almost all algae have a characteristic aroma of iodine, since they contain this substance in sufficient quantities. Notes of fuel oil and disinfectants, which, in addition to the natural aroma, can often be felt in containers with kelp salad, for example, are evidence that the product is of low quality. You should refuse to purchase it without hesitation: such a product will not bring any benefit, but it will satiate harmful substances and can handle radionuclides easily.

You should not store purchased fresh or deep-frozen seafood. They need to be cooked and eaten as soon as possible. Treats packed in vacuum casings should be stored under recommended conditions, and they should be consumed no later than the specified date. Smoked and dried delicacies, prepared with your own hands in a home smokehouse, can be consumed throughout the week. These treats should be stored wrapped in parchment paper and in the refrigerator. Canned seafood can be edible for the period indicated on the food containers. Typically this is three years from the date of manufacture. Preserves are good for a shorter period of time.

Contraindications and harm

Regarding contraindications and possible harm from eating seafood the following should be said. First of all, those who suffer from various allergic manifestations (rash, choking, redness of the skin and persistent indigestion) after eating protein foods should avoid using the product.

Consumers with digestive problems should limit and be very careful about the quality of seafood. Nutritionists indicate that excessive consumption of seafood can provoke:

  • release of bile;
  • “stopping” of the stomach;
  • dyspepsia;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • vomiting;
  • general weakness.

When overeating seafood, even those that have high quality indicators, the above symptoms may also develop.

The harm from eating seafood can be greater. This is due to pollution of the waters of the World Ocean. Don't expect farmed shellfish and shrimp to be any safer than those found in the wild. It's all about the commercialism of producers who want to obtain maximum benefits at minimal costs. Of course, you shouldn’t identify everyone, but it’s important to understand that there is a risk of harm.

Children should be considered a special risk group. Those who live far from the seas should approach the introduction of seafood products very carefully. The reason is accelerated metabolism and rapid absorption in the intestines. That is why seafood in children’s diets should be present in minimal quantities, and their quality should be the best.

Use in cooking

Most of the seafood found in the water column of oceans and seas does not pose a danger to the human body and is edible. It is not difficult to prepare treats from such products. But nevertheless, you should follow the cooking rules and strictly adhere to the time allotted for this. All this is necessary in order not only to get maximum gastronomic pleasure, but also to preserve the maximum of nutrients found in seafood.

Cooking correctly

Proper preparation of seafood involves minimal heat treatment. The main recommendations are:

  1. Boil squid and shellfish for no longer than three minutes. You need to lower the workpieces (fresh or frozen) into fresh or lightly salted boiling water.
  2. Boiled seafood that has subsequently been deep-frozen (which will be indicated on the packaging) should be eaten after quick defrosting in boiling water or after a slow thawing process on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In the latter case, it is recommended to place seafood not at the bottom of the bowl, but on a wire rack installed in it. This way the moisture will drain down and the seafood will not be wet. It is recommended to defrost scallops in milk.
  3. Octopus and squid can be cooked for five minutes on the grill. The raw product can also be pickled. To do this, you only need regular table or sea salt and lemon juice mixed with water. The cephalopods should be kept in this composition for three hours.

Raw and marinated squids can be dried and dried. They can also be smoked and salted. It is advisable to eat shrimp and other shelled sea creatures boiled. You can bake and fry crustaceans and shrimp.

The best combinations and popular delicacies with seafood

There are a huge number of delicacies that include seafood. Residents of Japan and other islands in the ocean can boast of their assortment. Seafood goes best with:

  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • white grape wine;
  • soy sauce;
  • ginger;
  • lemon juice;
  • rice;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic;
  • chives;
  • dill greens;
  • parsley;
  • hard varieties of cheeses.

Sauces and dressings that help highlight the taste of seafood dishes are often prepared with tarragon, pickles and spicy vegetables. Tomatoes, bell peppers and the most popular spices (bay leaf, black and allspice, cloves, for example) are unsuitable ingredients, as they completely neutralize the natural taste of seafood.

Regarding seaweed delicacies, it should be said that the population of the mainland adapts recipes to their own taste. Today, few people are surprised by kelp salads with carrots, radishes and garlic, sold by weight in the prepared food departments of supermarkets.

Dishes that include seafood can be considered dietary. That is why they can be eaten on fasting days.

To prepare seafood dishes use:

  • pots;
  • wok pans;
  • grills;
  • barbecues.

It is difficult to surprise consumers today with dishes that contain seafood. Judging by the reviews, salted, dried and pickled delicacies, which are consumed as an additional snack with beer, are extremely popular.

Seafood is part of the national dishes of many cuisines around the world. The most famous delicacies are:

  • sushi and rolls;
  • pizza with squid, rapana and mussels;
  • fish soup bouillabaisse (Marseille fish soup);
  • risotto;
  • Frenchose;
  • paella;
  • spaghetti and pasta;
  • seafood salads;
  • sea ​​cocktails;
  • sauces based on them.

In the style of European or Central Asian cuisine, you can prepare a pilaf-type delicacy, or serve seafood with buckwheat noodles called “soba.”

Cooks use seafood to make delicious:

  • sandwiches and toast;
  • salads;
  • sauces and dressings;
  • soups;
  • fillings (for dumplings, ravioli, pancakes and lavash).

Some seafood themselves act as “containers” for minced meat, for example, squid and cuttlefish. Cooks, when preparing delicious (simple and complex to make) delicacies, use seafood with products familiar to us:

  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • carrots;
  • pineapples;
  • avocado;
  • radish;
  • cucumbers;
  • mango;
  • citrus fruits;
  • canned corn;
  • onions;
  • cranberries;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • leaf lettuce.

Both adults and children will eat squid rings in batter or breading with gusto. It will also be difficult to find someone who will refuse sandwiches with krill meat or crab oil. A delicious combination will be Italian spaghetti and king prawns, seasoned with a delicate Parmesan sauce with herbs. Such a dish can become a decoration for a festive table and a calling card for the hostess.

How to eat seafood correctly?

In addition to the fact that seafood needs to be cooked correctly, it needs to be served correctly and be able to eat it. There are rules of etiquette, and read about these subtleties below.

In what form is it served?

How and what do they eat?

Lobsters and lobsters

The delicacy is served to the table entirely. Most often, seafood is prepared in water, that is, boiled. An excellent seasoning that allows you to highlight and soften the taste of the meat of these oceanic and sea inhabitants is mayonnaise or olive oil infused with Provencal herbs.

When serving, another plate must be placed at the table. It is needed to place inedible parts of a delicious dish on it.

These delicacies can be appreciated only after the hard chitinous shell and claws are separated from the carcass. To do this, special equipment is served along with the treat:

  • forceps;
  • cutting knife;
  • hook with a spoon at the end.

The shell is split with tongs; a cutting knife is needed to rip open the soft part of the peritoneum. The claws are broken off by hand, and then the pulp is taken out with a hook, and the juice is collected using a spoon.

Only the insides of seafood delicacies are not eaten.

According to the rules of restaurant etiquette, the delicacy is served whole, although the waiters, at the request of the customer, can open the shell before serving.

Because crabs are typically smaller in size than lobsters or lobsters, an additional waste plate is not required. All inedible parts are placed on the edge of the plate. The set of cutlery must include tongs and special hooks for cutting carcasses.

The flesh is pricked with a two-pronged fork, dipped into the sauce, and then eaten. The claws of this sea dweller, like those of other inhabitants of the depths, have meat and juice inside, which should be sucked out.

Most often the product is served already peeled. But in the case when the shells of the delicious product need to be opened, they are served with tongs and a fork.

When splitting mussel shells, the tongs should be held in your left hand. Clams should only be removed from their shells with a fork. The delicacy does not need any seasoning, but the sauce can still turn the meat into a masterpiece.


Usually this delicacy is served already peeled, that is, completely edible. For decoration, place a couple of whole shrimp on a plate. According to etiquette, they should be left untouched.

This statement does not apply to king prawns: this dish should be peeled yourself.

Place a trident fork on the shrimp. It should be used to prick a boiled or fried product, dip it in the proposed sauce and eat it.

In the case when you need to peel a shrimp, you should hold it by the head with the fingers of one hand, and rotate the body around its axis with the other. After such an operation, the meat from the tail section will be easy to remove with a fork. It is also possible to do this manually.

Squid and octopus

These delicacies are most often served as part of ready-made dishes, so seafood can be boiled, baked or stewed.

No special cutlery is needed to eat the dishes. Likewise, no special etiquette is expected. The maximum that a taster may need is an ordinary table fork and knife.

Rapana and other snails

This delicacy is served hot. That is why it is extremely inconvenient to hold it with your hands.

In order to remove the edible part of rapans or other snails, you should arm yourself with a lance or a hook. The device is taken into right hand, and then the tip is buried in the pulp. Carefully pulling it towards you, remove the snail's leg. Eat it with sauce or sprinkled with lemon juice.

This delicacy should be opened using a special knife. It is noteworthy that the delicacy is not subjected to heat treatment and, on the contrary, the delicacy is served on plates with ice.

Using a two-pronged fork, pry, but do not prick, the contents of the valves. And they eat it seasoned with wine vinegar or lemon juice.

Since all seafood is eaten with hands, there must be small containers filled with water and lemon juice on the table. You should rinse your fingers in them. Be sure to put napkin holders, since it is about paper towels The easiest (and most convenient) way is to wipe your hands.

Also often, gourmet delicacies come with aprons that help protect clothes from drops of very aromatic juice.

Use in cosmetology and alternative medicine

In cosmetology and alternative medicine, seafood is used no less often than in cooking. On the shelves of allopathic and homeopathic pharmacies you can find a huge number of preparations prepared from various parts of marine animals and from a wide variety of algae. Almost all such drugs belong to the group of dietary supplements, which means “dietary supplement”. Nevertheless, the effect of taking these dosage forms is enormous.

An extract from kelp, spirulina and other algae is a component for many creams and masks that have a rejuvenating, regenerating effect. Also, such compositions nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals. Cosmetics produced in Japan and Korea are famous for such recipes for beauty and youth.

Products from kelp are recommended in the fight for healthy hair and skin, and tablets and capsules, which contain particles of the chitinous cover of the inhabitants of the deep sea (shrimp, lobsters and crabs), have proven themselves as preventive and therapeutic agents for caries, bone weakness and joints, and also as auxiliary substances in the treatment of complex fractures. Dried kelp is also included in so-called weight loss products. Its role in them is saturation with iodine and stimulation of the thyroid gland. The product is also “respected” for the fact that the seaweed contains a huge amount of easily digestible fiber. With the normalization of digestive function, the body begins to remove toxins and salts along with the water that they retained, therefore, the person feels light. And the bathroom scales confirm the sensations with a stable decrease numerical value on the scoreboard.

In other areas of the national economy

Products of the seas and oceans are used not only in medicine and cosmetology. Waste and some components are used in agriculture, animal husbandry and the chemical industry.

The shells and tough tentacles are ground into flour and used as a mineral-rich dietary supplement for poultry feed. In addition to being used as food for making “black” baked goods and ice cream, as well as drugs to treat many female diseases, cuttlefish ink, after certain manipulations, turns into a paint called “sepia”. Artists use it.

In conclusion of the article about seafood, I would like to summarize: seafood is good for everyone, and that is why you need to eat it regularly. Ointments and nourishing compositions for the skin, although they sometimes cost an order of magnitude higher than others, provide benefits that are not comparable to other drugs. And all seafood can stimulate the production of “correct” hormones, therefore they are considered the best aphrodisiacs and sexual stimulants. In addition to all this, using the example of the Japanese, among whom there are the most centenarians on the planet, one can be convinced of the exceptional benefits of the gifts of the sea depths for the human body.