Mixed feelings performance by Khazanov Churikov. Mixed Feelings (play)

The play “City of Millionaires” is a joint project of the Moscow Lenkom Theater and the production group MK-YAN, based on the play by Italian playwright Eduardo De Filippo. Being an actor and director, he is the author of more than forty plays for the theater, the most famous of which was his work “Filumena Marturano”. In Italy, the play was filmed twice; in 1964, Vittorio De Sica made the film “Marriage Italian Style” based on the play, starring Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni.
The passing years have turned Eduardo De Filippo's contemporary play Filumena Marturano into a classic. The Lenkom Theater made its own version of the playwright’s work, “allowing itself some fantasies in terms of dialogue, plot and title.” The production was carried out by Roman Samgin under the artistic direction of his teacher Mark Zakharov.

Especially for “City of Millionaires,” Lenkom introduced a stunning innovation - he returned the old-fashioned, crimson, sliding curtain to the stage. A luxurious, cozy, warm southern life reigns on the stage. There is an unusual amount of high-quality antique furniture, utensils, dishes and heavy curtains - everything is genuine, real. A detailed interior with a cityscape opening outside the windows, where you will find a rich palace and a cute Italian courtyard with greenery looking through the window.

Having barely recovered from the magnificent scenery on stage, you get a new reason to be surprised. Star duet of Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov. You experience great pleasure watching their performance, which reflects any subtle emotional movement of the characters.

The heroine of the play “City of Millionaires” is a middle-aged mother of three teenagers. For the sake of her children - her love for her sons generally amazes with a spontaneous, all-crushing force - she, without hesitation, resorts to deception - pretending to be dying of an incurable disease. In order to give the children a name, she is ready to “marry” Domenic Soriano at almost any cost. To deceive, but not for the sake of money, but for the sake of the cherished dream of finding a real “legitimate” family even in old age. Filumena performed by Inna Churikova is a monument to female resilience. She stands for the first ten minutes on stage, turning her back to the audience, motionless, like a statue. Impregnable, majestic and indifferent to the threats of the deceived Domenic Soriano.

The image of Domenic Soriano, played by Gennady Khazanov in the play “City of Millionaires,” is no less controversial. At first, he appears as a rather one-line bon vivant in search of the inexorably elusive youth. Philumena’s perseverance, selflessness, and nobility make Domenic, if not think seriously, then at least look around. Unfussy, comical in his white socks, with a tailcoat, hat and gold chain, he resists to the last his triple fatherhood. Until the youngest son blurts out the word “dad.” And then the stern Don Domenico breaks down, gasping from an unknown feeling.

Everything ends as expected with a wedding. Festive table, well-groomed children, white candles, starched tablecloth. Gennady Khazanov will say that family and children are the most important thing in life, Filumena will quietly cry and even the most insensitive viewers will hastily reach for their handkerchiefs.

Photo by Mikhail Guterman
The characters of Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov have to learn the love alphabet all over again at sixty

Marina Shimadina. in an indecent play ( Kommersant, 10/13/2003).

Alexander Dabov. . The success of the play “Mixed Feelings” with the participation of Khazanov and Churikova was programmed ( New news, 10/13/2003).

Grigory Zaslavsky. . Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov inhabit modern American drama ( NG, 10/20/2003).

Elena Yampolskaya. . Richard Baer. "Mixed feelings". Anton Chekhov Theater ( Russian Courier, 05.11.2003).

Mixed feelings. Anton Chekhov Theater. Press about the performance

Kommersant, October 13, 2003

Inna Churikova remained a decent actress

in an indecent play

The premiere of the Anton Chekhov Theater play “Mixed Feelings” took place on the stage of the Variety Theater. The benefit performance of actress Inna Churikova, who recently celebrated her anniversary, became for her, according to MARINA SHIMADINA, a test of strength.

She's in her seventies. He's already spent half of it. She lost her beloved husband and best friend. He is his only friend and devoted wife. They are connected by the memory of common deceased people and thirty years of family friendship. She gives up on herself and wants to escape from her memories to another city. And he is trying to prove that a common future is still possible for them, in which there can be a place for love and even sex. The last point in the play is given special attention. The hero brags about his amorous exploits and tries in every possible way to show that his “big Bill” is still wow. The heroine, having succumbed to temptation, then arranges a real debriefing, like in school, assessing her partner’s abilities in points.

The comedy of Richard Baer, ​​an American playwright with Russian roots, who personally flew to Moscow for the first time for the Russian premiere of his play, is the height of vulgarity even for our seasoned stage. In the hands of the master of the enterprise Leonid Trushkin and the pop star Gennady Khazanov, she even risked turning into a “B” category product. Therefore, it was impossible to comprehend how Inna Churikova, an extremely scrupulous actress, picky about literary material, accustomed to the strong directorial hand of Mark Zakharov and the reliable shoulder of super-professional Lenkom partners, could decide to celebrate her anniversary with such a dubious project. But everything turned out to be not so scary. Leonid Trushkin did not dwell on the vulgar details of the plot and modestly withdrew from the performance, leaving the actors alone with each other and the play. And the former successfully dealt with the latter.

Inna Churikova manages to pronounce even this indecent text with her inherent sense of self-esteem. She speaks sometimes mischievously and slyly, sometimes thoughtfully and seriously, sometimes embarrassed like a girl, but never once allows herself those vulgar antics with which some of our artists sometimes read the most innocent text. Behind all this nonsense, Inna Churikova plays a woman with a capital W, capable of remaining faithful to her husband for thirty years, and falling in love again at sixty, strict with herself, but all-forgiving towards others, not looking younger, but not losing her taste for life - beautiful clothes, dancing and raspberries in February.

Gennady Khazanov also unexpectedly showed himself to be an artist not only of the pop genre. That is, of course, as usual, he makes funny faces, portraying either an old man broken down by sciatica or a playful ladies' man. But, when he gradually gets rid of his blue tracksuit, ridiculous Jewish accent and habits of a buffoon, a confused and defenseless person emerges in his hero through the mask of a pea jester, with which he is used to protecting himself from reality. He suffers a failure in love and, afraid of losing the only person close to him, clutches at straws - he steals her plane ticket and tries to bribe the workers who are already taking the furniture out of the room.

The comedy turns into melodrama, not the most suitable genre for a story about older people. This eternal theme of age, loneliness and the need for love remembers much stronger solutions - just remember the legendary Moscow Art Theater production of Oswald Zahradnik’s play “Solo for the Chiming Clock” with Olga Androvskaya and Mikhail Yanshin, or the Mossovet Theater performance “Next - Silence”, in which she shone Faina Ranevskaya. But the current beneficiary, Inna Churikova, decided to take courage. Indeed, not every actress of this rank will decide on her anniversary, instead of peacefully resting on her laurels, to leave her native theater and embark on a risky adventure with unfamiliar fellow travelers. Inna Churikova made up her mind and did not lose.

New news, October 13, 2003

Alexander Dabov

Not Hamlet

The success of the play “Mixed Feelings” with the participation of Khazanov and Churikova was programmed

On the stage of the Variety Theater last Friday, the premiere of the Anton Chekhov Theater took place - “Mixed Feelings” by the American playwright Richard Bauer. The central roles are occupied by Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov, who ensure the success of the performance.

Director Leonid Trushkin has his own path in art, and he follows it confidently and victoriously. He always knew how to get the viewer's attention. To do this, I used one reliable tool - “stars”. He invited Lyudmila Gurchenko, Alexander Shirvindt, Oleg Basilashvili, Olga Volkova and others for his projects. And the audience, of course, went to these performances. At the same time, Trushkin set things simply: at the right moments he allowed in humor, a little vulgarity and, in Eventually, has gained a reputation as a strong commercial director.

Next to serious theater, commercial theater occupies, as they say now, its own niche. It has its own audience, makes good money, and gives the opportunity (to be honest) for actors to earn money. But it is unlikely that Gennady Khazanov, who is playing with Trushkin for the first time, will be attracted to the new premiere by his fee. Most likely, tired of comedy roles, Khazanov decided to work on the dramatic stage. This time, Inna Churikova was also caught in Trushkin’s network.

The work of the American Richard Baer “Mixed Emotions” belongs to the category of “well-made plays.” She was a success on Broadway and in many countries around the world. This play is a classic example of commercial art. There are many similar plays in the world repertoire. The master of such stories in our theater was Alexey Arbuzov. They are always relevant; they have humanity and sentimentality, and therefore they have an irresistible effect on any viewer. Trushkin, having chosen this work, acted with confidence and shot at an already familiar target. The director took into account all the characteristics of the audience's perception, including the fact that the performance should not bore anyone. Therefore, he compressed the two-act play into an hour and a half performance without intermission. The calculation was flawless. In the premiere of “Mixed Feelings,” Churikova and Khazanov play out the story of two middle-aged, lonely people. He is a widower, hot-tempered, calculating, but with a good sense of humor. She is a widow, proud and vulnerable at the same time. She is going to move to another state (this is happening in America), he is trying with all his might to keep her. To do this, she offers to marry him. At the beginning of the performance it is a simple calculation. In the end - a vital necessity. Throughout the entire action, they quarrel and make up, spend a long time figuring out who is who and who their spouses were, so that, in the end, they simply confess their love to each other. They understand how lonely and necessary each other is. That’s why, at the end of the day, she demands that he marry her. There is no dramatic tension here, no Shakespearean passions. Those who came to the hall understood that Khazanov was not Hamlet and Churikova was not Ophelia.

NG, October 20, 2003

Grigory Zaslavsky

Unsafe sex

Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov explore modern American drama

“Mixed Feelings,” called a “tender comedy” in the program, is one of the first premieres of the Variety Theater’s current anniversary season. But, played on its “anniversary” stage, the performance does not belong to the Variety Theater. This is the premiere of the Anton Chekhov Theater. So Gennady Khazanov does not act as an artistic director on his own stage. He is not looking for an easy life, much less happiness - in this performance he has no benefits or privileges, he is on an equal footing with Inna Churikova, who, like him, is a guest star at the Anton Chekhov Theater.

We have developed a persistently negative attitude towards the enterprise: the scenery and costumes are from the selection, and famous actors They gathered only to make a quick buck. There is nothing similar in the Anton Chekhov Theater: the scenery is always solid, complex, each of the actors has his own costume, some have several (Churikova has three or four plus a fur coat in an hour, fifty without intermission). Director Leonid Trushkin rehearses long and honestly, choosing good music every time (in this case the composer is Mark Minkov). But the result still happens to be disappointing. Or - it charms very rarely.

You probably won't take my word for it if I say that most of the time the actors spend on stage, the elderly characters Kristina Milman (Inna Churikova) and Herman Lewis (Gennady Khazanov) discuss the size of Herman's manhood. Not bigger, but bigger. But this is so.

This does not add additional charm to the play, the plot of which is marking time (so, a slight hee-hee...).

She has little charm at all. And only the presence on stage of two mature actors, whose good name somehow excuses their current fall from grace, somehow saves the situation. Otherwise, the patience and endurance of the audience, of course, would have been less. Others would not be forgiven, but here we even get some pleasure.

"Mixed Feelings" belongs to that class of theatrical events that it is most polite not to notice. Most often, these include performances where bad actors perform poorly in a bad play. It happens that the play is good, but the overall situation does not change. Often, all other things being equal, good actors perform poorly. In this case, nothing particularly bad can be said about either Churikova or Khazanov. Both play to the best of their ability, Churikova - a little more dramatically, Khazanov - in the familiar sharp pop style, instantly and sharply reacting to every line. In general, they play well. And yet it is best to bypass this performance with both audience and critical attention.

Moreover, respect for Churikova will not diminish whether she plays something else, worse or better, the love earned over the years of inspired and impeccable service to the stage and screen will be enough for decades. It will pay for everything. From nonsense, it can make you laugh and at the same time move you to tears. If something in the performance evokes mixed, rather than definite, feelings, it is Inna Churikova. Everything is “against” - both the text and the plot, but Churikova is the only one who puts forward arguments “for”.

It’s more difficult with Khazanov; in recent years he has been spending a lot of energy on solving economic and political issues. For public work. But, let's be fair, his services to the stage are great. More, of course, in front of the stage. But at some point, Gennady Khazanov decided that his real calling was in drama. “Mixed Feelings” is another and, perhaps, least successful attempt to prove that his determination has serious grounds.

Oh, how sometimes you need a fill! Zavlit is a person who manages to read the play before it reaches the director’s desk, before the actors read it, before the text “falls on the tongue.” When such a person is not around, the audience gets “Mixed Feelings”: the worst thing in the play is the words that are puffed out with all their might, but do not add up to the plot. Two solitudes and several more or less pitiful details are not enough for a “gentle comedy”. The merits of “Mixed Feelings” are almost exhausted by the fact that thanks to this play the author received a happy opportunity to return to his historical homeland (virtually for now): in an address to the Russian audience, Richard Baer talks about his Jewish ancestors, who once came to America from near Minsk .

Judging by the text that sounds from the stage, Richard Baer is not a big dreamer. He did not invent heroes unknown to him - some French or Swedes. His two main characters are Jewish-Americans, a widow and a widower, who in their old age, to put it pompously, decided to challenge fate. But, no matter what they start talking about, their conversation will certainly come down to either money or another “bodily bottom”. Not for shopping, but for fucking...

Maybe Trushkin convinced the actors that they needed special courage to talk about the fact that not only peasant women know how to love? People of different ages and different nationalities know how to love and want carnal love. And the performance of the Anton Chekhov Theater is an artistic and human manifesto, not just a performance, but an act?

But there is no courage in him. Today you can say any words from the stage, talk about anything. And everything is known about love: not so long ago, at an exhibition of contemporary art in the House of Artists, those interested could see that even homeless people can love - in all naturalistic details.

There is no need to talk about mastering something taboo, previously closed. All the grass and grass around here has been trampled, the paths are well-trodden and have long since turned into highways. And if so, then Churikova and Khazanov speak about the banal in banal and uninteresting words, multiplying the banality and vulgarity, which, without their talented efforts, is infinitely abundant in our lives and on stage.

In this sense, the type of sex discussed on stage cannot be called completely safe.

Russian Courier, November 5, 2003

Elena Yampolskaya

Life after death

Richard Baer. "Mixed feelings". Anton Chekhov Theater. Staged by Leonid Trushkin. Starring Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov

“Mixed Feelings” is a typical, ordinary, familiar performance by Trushkin. Based on one of those modern American plays that are so close to his heart. Not a masterpiece of world drama, but sometimes funny, sometimes touching. Sometimes, though, it’s a bit dull. Not without it.

For Trushkin, who has already directed “The Price” and “Kina IV,” “Feelings” is the way back. Difficult to explain nostalgia for the era of “In the same place, then” with Polishchuk and Raikin and “Honoring” (Shirvindt, Derzhavin, Alentova). But “Honoring” was new, and at “In the same place, then” the audience laughed until they cried. Now the novelty effect has been replaced by a feeling of déjà vu; As for laughter, no one falls under a chair. “Feelings” does not shine with sparkling humor.

Richard Baer comes from a family of Belarusian Jews, and his "Mixed Feelings" is a play with a strong shtetl accent. From the first appearance, Khazanov creates such a brutal mimicry of Brighton Beach: “I miss you, and do you miss me?”, so passionately trades in his famous intonations and antics that it seems that he is about to slip into the text: “Ooh , what are you..." Then, however, he will have well-acted pathetic scenes. Still, the definition of “gentle comedy” obliges...

Once they were friends at home, now they are left alone. She lost her husband, he lost his wife. The adult children have long moved away.

He wants to unite their widow's destinies into one. She remains faithful to the memory of her husband.

He is sixty-five, and he believes that he will have time to live a second life. She is just over sixty, and she sees only leaving as a realistic prospect.

She wants peace and quiet. He is having sex, and with her. Simply put, he loves her.

She constantly violates all kinds of manhood on him. He defends himself as best he can and himself advertises his “Big Bill”, who over time, alas, has become not so big... Discussion of sizes and piquant (I won’t say vulgar) jokes on the topic of intercourse are the main humorous component of “Mixed Feelings”.

They talk so often and a lot about their dead that closer to the end it seems as if the shadows of the deceased are wandering around the stage next to the natural heroes...

He, Herman, is funny and petty, stingy and boring. She, Christina, is a noble lady in breathtaking toiletries. And the nobler the lady, the more useful it is for her to have an earthly man nearby. Someone needs to hammer a simple worldly philosophy into this elegant, smoothly licked head: if you want to worship the dead, then don’t poison the living with that dream.

Herman, however, turns out to be subtle, sensitive, and sublime. It’s just that his sublimity is not aimed at other worlds. Christina is parting with her stubborn maximalism. A happy ending crowns both the play and the couple.

"Mixed Feelings" is a nice show. That's all. And period. You will get some mild pleasure, you can’t count on shock. Khazanov and Churikova are poorly edited with each other, and therefore both are not very convincing. No one overstrained themselves, playfully, to be honest. By the way, about "strained". The movers, two minor but quite annoying characters, are played criminally. Either amputate these actors from the play, or hit them with your fist. Trushkin’s fist is soft, but you have to try. And here’s another thing - the music comes in, in my opinion, not always logically and this makes it somehow unexpected...

A reason to be proud is the scenography by Boris Krasnov. First, a blue winter evening and a snowstorm over the humble cemetery. Then, in full light, it turns out that a piece of the graveyard is built into a cozy home interior. Then the tombstones themselves become interior details. And in the end, the whole apartment folds into one box, the body of a trailer, on which Christina and German depart for a bright future. No one knows how long it will last, which means there’s no point in thinking about it. Live while you live.

Trushkin, like any director, has more and less successful performances, but he himself is a man of the theater, a theatrical person to the core, and on stage he always talks about himself, and if he tries to remain silent, his creations eloquently testify for him. Two years ago, when “Shalopai, or Kin IV” was released, Trushkin mourned the loss of his wife. This is not a secret, for “Mixed Feelings” is dedicated to her memory, the memory of Elena (“Lenochka”) Cherkasskaya, and anyone can read about it in the program. “Kin...” was not an official memorial, but tears trembled in it... And ten days ago, 52-year-old Trushkin gave birth to a daughter, Anya. This is his theme today - life goes on, and pain, the most genuine, the most powerful, still cannot erase it. This is how we exist - between tragedy and joy. With mixed feelings.

The pop artist earned money for a country house by touring abroad

On May 20, Roman KARTSEV turns 75 years old. I decided not to celebrate the date in a grand manner. He says that he is much more comfortable in the circle of his family and friends. On the eve of the anniversary, Roman Andreevich shared the most painful and personal issues.

- You were born in Odessa. It must be very painful to see what is happening in Ukraine now?

I'm not a politician - what should I argue?! It's a pity for the people who died cannot be brought back... Yanukovych is to blame for everything. He allowed the Maidan and behaved terribly. Despite everything, I am going to Odessa in the fall. Every year I go there and enjoy the air, the sea, the acacia, and Privoz.

The last time you acted in a movie was four years ago; I haven’t seen any posters for big concerts either. How does artist Roman Kartsev live now?

I play classics on stage, Zhvanetsky. I have wonderful creative evenings everywhere except Moscow. In the capital, you have to pay a million rubles for a site, another million for advertising: where can you get that kind of money? In Moscow there is a club "Alma Mater" on Taganka. Sometimes I perform there. People come there for a concert, not to eat, and it’s very nice. I invite everyone there at the end of May! If we talk about cinema, I don’t consider myself a film artist. There are only 14 works in my filmography. The best of them, in my opinion, is “The Bandit and the King.” And, of course, the role of Shvonder in “Heart of a Dog.” I think the reason the film was such a huge success is because eighty percent of the audience hadn't read the novel before watching it. Bulgakov- in our country it was prohibited. I read under the covers myself. The film is very accurate, a brilliant cast that did an excellent job. But Evstigneev I felt bad then. He played with difficulty, I saw how hard it was for him. Evgeniy Alexandrovich - closed person. We lived in the same hotel, I tried to somehow get him to talk, but he wouldn’t give in.

- How did it happen that you and Tatyana Vasilyeva rehearsed at the Leonid Trushkin Theater, and the play “Mixed Feelings” with Gennady Khazanov and Inna Churikova came out?

Yes, we rehearsed for several months, and Khazanov He stole it from us. He is a friend Trushkina, liked the role, went to rehearsals, but hid from us. And then, apparently, he told Trushkin: “Let me play.” And he gave him the role. A disgusting act on the part of both. This incident kept me in a terrible state for a long time. Tanya was screaming, but what can you do? Costumes, scenery - everything was ready, the premiere was scheduled. After that, I won’t plunge into dramatic art anymore!

- However, such unpleasant stories happen often...

You're right - just gossip and squabbles. Khazanov is a good actor, but in the seventeen years that he has been running the Variety Theater, he has brought it to collapse, turned it into God knows what: he rents out the hall, it turned out to be such a rental platform. And before there Arkady Raikin, Leonid Utesov, Klavdiya Shulzhenko were playing.

- Nowadays there are no such level of artists. Shouldn't we close the theater?

Zhvanetsky, Zadornov, I - many could decorate the site there. Khazanov is close to the president, sits on the jury everywhere on TV, he started peddling, and the personality disappeared. Gennady once called me: “At the end of the year the Variety Theater will be 60 years old, will you perform?” But when my director went to him to talk about organizing my 75th birthday there, they set such a price that the question disappeared by itself. A good director left Khazanov and also speaks poorly of him. In his place, Gena put some relatives. What can I say: he was a talented artist, but now he’s like everyone else...

- Well, you know, Tatyana Vasilyeva is a brilliant actress, and now she also plays in everything that comes her way.

Apparently she is afraid that the audience will forget her, she earns money by acting in terrible TV series and feeds her children. I saw Tanya and Fima Shifrina in a play about condoms - a nightmare! I’m holding on for now, I don’t go on TV - to hell with it, it’s impossible to watch!

- Which of the modern pop artists do you like?

One Maxim Galkin!

- He is now on a horse: children were born, he married Pugacheva...

It was not Maxim who married, but Alla who married him. Pugacheva, apparently, loves PR, wants to be at the top, so that everyone will talk about her, show her - this is a disease. And Maxim is just next to her.

Letters to the next world

- You, I know, are monogamous. You have been walking hand in hand with Victoria Pavlovna for 45 years!

We met in 1966. Vika was barely 17. She was a dancer in the corps de ballet, we worked in the same team. We just met her eyes and understood everything. That's how we live. In marriage, everything depends on the woman. My wife is a treasure! The wedding was funny: we arrived at the registry office in a sprinkler. About 12 people gathered. And for this whole company there was one Hungarian goose weighing about 12 kilograms. They barely shoved it into the oven.

- Do you have a warm relationship with your children?

Our daughter Elena is 43 years old. She is a dermatologist and a two-time mother. Her Nike is 20. She is studying in England to become a wedding and birthday planner. Grandson Lena will soon turn 14. They live opposite our house. I help them as much as I can. Our son with Vika is 37. A capable guy, but higher education never received it. Acting in films. I haven’t started a family yet.

- Kartsev is a pseudonym, isn’t it?

- Katz- My last name. It was Raikin who advised me to change it for the speech: they say, Katz - very briefly, give a speech and everyone will forget.

- Was your family wealthy?

What do you! My parents earned pennies. We lived in poverty all our lives, the only joy was that we lived in Odessa opposite the opera house. We had a luxurious room of 40 meters in a communal apartment. When I came to Raikin in 1962, I had nothing to wear: I came, it’s a shame to say, in a terrible suit and an old coat. When I came to Czechoslovakia on tour and they gave us a daily allowance, I ran to buy a fashionable coat at a children's store. I was very thin, small. I wore a coat for 15 years - this was my first serious purchase abroad, I spent all my daily allowance. From Raikin I received 88 rubles. Until we started driving around different countries, life was very difficult. Like damned people, they gave forty concerts a month to earn 500. And when the “Iron Curtain” opened and the artists rushed on tour to Israel, Australia, America, Germany, they came to life. I built a house. All my life I will thank Raikin for being with us Vitya Ilchenko took it to me.

Veronica considers her mother to be her best friend. Photo:

You can go to the site’s box office yourself or place an order on the website

at the Variety Theater will give viewers a meeting with wonderful actors - Gennady Khazanov and Inna Churikova. This duo plays the main roles in Leonid Trushkin's production based on the play by popular playwright Richard Baer.

The play “Mixed Emotions” was successfully staged on Broadway and in many European theaters. This is a story about two elderly people, which unfolds in the genre of sad comedy. Richard Baer, ​​an American playwright with Russian roots, came to Moscow in 2003 for the premiere of his play.

Richard Baer is familiar to domestic audiences not only as the author of theatrical plays, but also as the creator of popular television series - “All in the Family”, “MASH” and “Bewitched”.

Old acquaintances meet - German (Gennady Khazanov) and Christina (Inna Churikova). They are both over sixty and best years life is already behind us. They lost their loved ones and now the heroes have behind them memories and thirty years of close friendship.

Herman came to propose marriage to Christina. He is full of hope for the future and rightly believes that it will be easier for two lonely people to endure life’s difficulties together.

But Christina is afraid of memories of the past and Herman will have to use all his charm to prove that they can have a common future.

The conversation between Herman and Christina continues, and the audience play "Mixed Feelings" there is growing doubt that these adults will be able to give up their habits and established lifestyles to start

Everything from the beginning and be able to love each other.

Performance “Mixed Feelings” at the Variety Theater once again raises the topic of age, loneliness and the need to have a loved one next to you. Experienced theatergoers remember the solution to this theme in such powerful productions as “Next - Silence” at the Mossovet Theater and “Solo for the Chiming Clock” at the Moscow Art Theater.

Leonid Trushkin's production, first of all, stands out for the strong works of Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov. The dramatic talent of Inna Churikova is well known to the audience, and this role only confirms the high status of this wonderful actress.

IN play "Mixed Feelings" she plays a real, strong woman who, even at sixty, is not afraid of new love, but at the same time remains strict with herself and those around her.

Gennady Khazanov does not change his pop style, and his hero makes funny faces, grimaces and speaks with a Jewish accent. But gradually German, played by Khazanov, leaves his mask and turns into a defenseless and confused person who loses his last chance to love and be loved.

Performance “Mixed Feelings” features beautiful scenography created by artist Boris Krasnov. During the action, the heroes find themselves from the home interior into a winter blizzard, and in the finale the entire scene becomes the body of a trailer in which the heroes leave for the foggy future.

Visitors to the TicketService website can order tickets for play “Mixed Feelings” at the Variety Theater and see the star duet of Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov in a sad and touching production by Leonid Trushkin.

Director: Roman SAMGIN

Artistic director of the performance:

The action of the stage fantasy takes place in Naples - the city of millionaires. Naples, in the most shameless way, constantly invades the life of the family of Filumena and Domenico, shaking its foundations, which are already not very strong. The fact is that before her marriage, Filumena worked in the oldest female profession.

"City of Millionaires" - stage fantasy based on the play of one of the greatest playwrights of Italy - Eduardo De Filippo. Being an actor and director, he managed to write more than forty theatrical plays, the most famous of which was “Filumena Marturano”. Domestic viewers are well aware of this story from the film adaptation of Vittorio de Sica’s “Marriage Italian Style.”

Directed by Roman Samgin "City of Millionaires" acquires the traditional Lenkom lines of dialogue and the entire plot. And yet this is one of the classic performances in the entire repertoire of the theater. Perhaps that's why viewers are buying it up so quickly tickets on him.

The classic incarnation of this performance emphasizes the return to the stage of the sliding curtain, which is traditionally absent in Lenkom productions. The laconicism of the scenery characteristic of the theater is replaced by an abundance of antique furniture, utensils and heavy curtains.

But no matter how good the scenery is, you completely forget about them when you see the magnificent performances of Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov. Inimitable dialogues, filled with a seething cocktail of southern emotions, spill out into the auditorium, so that no one can remain indifferent.

Despite their apparent simplicity, the images of Domenico Soriano and Filumena are filled with subtle psychologism. Behind the everyday comedy lies a whole kaleidoscope of marital problems that are topical for any historical era. That is why the performance can be reviewed more than once (many viewers immediately acquire tickets for several views) and constantly find more and more new details in it.

"City of Millionaires"- a long-awaited appeal to the classics, which are increasingly rare in the repertoire of capital theaters. But it seems that Lenkom made an unusual move this time too. Hurry up to purchase tickets!

Actors participating in the play:

Soriano: Gennady KHAZANOV;

Children: Ilya KOROBKO, Ilya SOLOVIEV, Boris ALABIN, Kirill PALADICH.

The duration of the performance is 2 hours 30 minutes with one intermission.